
School selection and training.

The singing school starts around the principles of October and continues until late December. Please note that this is a date only indicative. Often it happens that for various reasons are behind in preparing the bride and must therefore postpone the school in late October, early November. Sometimes it happened that the school starting in mid-October, a considerable number of newly filed notes aspirated and sharp. Referring to the whole mid-November we discovered with amazement that the defects were gone!
This step is certainly the most fascinating and at the same time more difficult for the farmer committed the MW. All the ability and skill and the patience of “malinoista” are put to the test.
This is actually put into practice the breed standard MW. We must therefore have full knowledge of the various sentences in knowing not only recognize but also learn to understand the value. It pains me to say it and admit it, but this is often the Achilles heel of many farmers, believe me, even the most noble, perhaps even some judges …
The leap in quality a breeder MW can only do so when accustoming to sharpen his ear to perceive the nuances that make it such. klokkende one better than another, or a special tour of a subject of greater value than another. Concepts such as “depth”, the “resonance of water”, the “purity”, in my opinion are far from clear in many breeders.
Of course the “real” music fans are certainly an advantage in assessing the quality of song are accustomed to hear those details, perhaps even barely perceptible, making a musical performance of greater value than another. To understand there is much difference in sensitivity to listening to the same, including those who usually listens to the song on the radio and passionate about the art of sounds, listen to jazz, blues, progressive rock, classic enriched with fine performances of various artists.
Sorry for the digression but only focus on one aspect that we consider very important: education listening.
In school we work hand placing individual male canaries in cages, also known as school training (not race much smaller ones), and then school in the closet. After 2-3 days the cages separate them with the visual display, consisting of tablets of plywood or cardboard, and within another 2-3 days, with the appropriate tent denigrate canaries gradually accustoming so at the right penumbra. The light that filters should be just enough to enable young people to feed malinois.
It is a very challenging: we clean daily small cages, replace the water and seeds, to administer the apple every other day. The latter is essential because its mild laxative helps bowel movements during this period in which the exercise of novels is reduced to essentials.
The mixture of seeds that we administer is made up of canary and rape in a ratio of 1:1 by weight.
Usually after 2-3 days of complete darkness, we start listening to the novice. If you are many and time is short, turn the light on and open the tent listening to the whole. If the time is, listen to aspiring songwriters in groups of 4 called “stamm” are cut from the closet and moving them to another room lit only by artificial light (the same conditions of competition). The aim is to identify immediately those subjects with difettucci: flutes too high, bellen “pull” the exasperation … etc. or even worse real defects known as acute or aspirated. These weds get them out right away without hesitation. We also try to group those with sounds of water already well structured that promise something good, putting them on the top shelf along with the teacher who will accompany the children during this phase. All others are placed in the same cupboard shelves in lower school, hoping to improve day by day.
We are honored to bring this point what he wrote in 1970, Joseph P. Mignone and always exceptional in its valuable work “The canary malinois Waterslager” (1), about the singing school:
<< … “Gradually reached the total darkness, it will give the bride and a half hour of birth to three times a day and you will on these occasions, and maintenance. Meanwhile, they, led by teacher, will also begin to voice their song that you first real imitation of the one heard, then, As time progresses, more and more manifest their chances and imitative, and individual .
Passing over many details, but rileviamone some really important from a technical standpoint:
a) must first make a brief selection of novels from the moment you are still in the aviary, ie isolating those who have a song on the pitch too high;
b) possibly combine all the novels that are already beginning to feel the waterslags (Klok-bol – Rol) and just as the bride that you do not make them feel;
c) is necessary to remove the females;
d) behind the cages on the shelves of the cabinet of the newly-school is always desirable to have material that reflects the sounds (a thin copper plate is fine) and, still, treat the reflection of sound inside the cabinet must have good sounding board;
e) after the well-weds have shown that they have learned the song, make sure you remove the cages once a day for only 10 min. ending with an audience of 25-30 min. increasing gradually;
f) reject without hesitation all newly negative sentences or of little value; “>>.
As is easy to see is a very special moment where experience plays a fundamental role: it is appropriate to make some visits to “audit” at the homes of other farmers with more experience, trying to listen and “steal” … the job!
After about 10-15 days of school locker we transfer weds in aviary to allow a healthy exercise with the ability to swim. Do not forget that part involved in the issue of the ventral and pectoral muscles and their right tone is essential. We do not agree with those who take young people from school malinois in cages for months without allowing a rational exercise: we believe the practice is absolutely absurd negative.
Three, four days of aviary and then back to school in the closet (this time tent quickly and dividers) for 10-15 days and so on.
Mignone wrote again about training: << “… remember that, very often, after the first few weeks of training … the blackout and show choir performances alternate with pauses and moments of excitement … so do not ever go to intensive training cabinet school … removing ie for a certain period the singers by their restricted environment for rimetterveli again gradually. Exercise … and especially the motion, accompanied by some small variation in the diet, it is still a general method, effective and, as a rule, the safest. Usually after placed in a cage, you check through their performance in the song, until you notice belrollen bellen and more pronounced and higher than usual, these melodies are almost always the sign of high athleticism and great vitality. They get to do a little ‘exercise and then go back school in the closet … do not be in a hurry to close the period of school-weds, but insist much on their training. “>>
With continued listening, as we discard the less gifted and try to assemble by hand stamm affine and especially of higher value. The greatest attention is focused on the sounds of water and notably on klokkende to be well characterized by a clear resonance of water (otherwise flutes are nice!), Even from a great depth (bass). If these two things hold us in excellence! Other tour that excites us and that fact is regarded as the standard main melody, is the Staaltonen. The sound rises above the whole repertoire (it also reaches 15-16 kHz), making it less monotonous, but especially more “usignolato”. After all we are talking about one of three tours of the legendary “Silver Triangle” of the old Malinois.
Of course a great MW must have a complete repertoire with water sounds satisfactory, possibly with a slow pace. Therefore at this stage we must consider not only klokk, and boll staaltonen, but the entire structure of the song.
(Article taken from Alcedo September-October 2007 – Gianfranco Gallipoli)